A Closer Look at the Preparatory Groundwork for the Live Covid-19 “Pandemic”
Club of Rome Limits to Growth Report (1972), Rockefeller Foundation Operation Lockstep (2010), SPARS (Johns Hopkins Pandemic Exercise 2017), & Clade X (John’s Hopkins, Pandemic Tabletop Exercise 2018)
“In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation.” -Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh
Researching Covid-19 again for my Covid Chronicles series I have had the unfortunate experience of reading many “fact checks” concerning “conspiracy theories” surrounding Covid-19, particularly concerning Event 201. In my deeper dive on Event 201, I think I conclusively showed that the chance of the 2019 tabletop pandemic exercise event timeline matching the live Covid-19 “pandemic” we all lived through was basically zero. The word for word media reports, scenarios that are identical, and similar projections concerning the infection rate, fatality rate, and class of virus, is impossible for the unbiased observer to dismiss as mere coincidence. However, that’s exactly what the establishment does in its “Fact Checks”. All the fact-checkers claim that the similarities between Event 201 and the following three years we all lived through was a coincidence. Well, anyone who actually reads through Event 201 won’t believe that, but more damning is the fact that it wasn’t just Event 201 that planned and prepped the global governing class and their underlings for the live Covid-19 Event. The governing monied class of the world has been preparing and arguing for just such an event to cull the world’s population since at least 1972. In this article I’ll examine several of the more notable reports concerning the “elites” plans to reduce the human population through a pandemic scenario.
The Club of Rome, founded in 1968 at Accademia dei Lincei in Rome, Italy, is an informal elite business/intellectual organization consisting of 100 full members selected from current and former heads of state, UN administrators, high-level politicians, diplomats, scientists, economists, and business leaders from around the world. It’s first report in 1972, The Limits to Growth, is infamous in it’s influence among the intelligentsia and monied classes.
The Club of Rome ‘Limit’s to Growth’ “…was the first to model our planet’s interconnected systems and to make clear that if growth trends in population, industrialization, resource use and pollution continued unchanged, we would reach and then overshoot the carrying capacity of the Earth at some point in the next one hundred years.”
The report laid the intellectual foundation for the monied class, that already believed in Social Darwinism, to work to eliminate most of the world’s population by any means necessary. In theory, to save the environment, but in practice, simply because of a desire for a world of their own. See, plastic, meaning if the elite really cared about the environment, they would use their power and influence to do something about making the environment better, instead of working to make the planet a barren wasteland (SNP admits to felling 16 million trees to develop wind farms). The reports three main recommendations to achieve their aim of drastic population reduction were:
1. To instill a belief in the world’s population that humanity was changing the climate of the world through their increased economic output.
2. Promote non-heterosexual sex and work to phase out the nuclear family.
3. Vaccines
Malthusianism in humans, the theory that population growth is potentially exponential, while the growth of the food supply was not, first gained ground in scientific circles in the 1800’s and has been thoroughly disproven by the events of the last 200 years. Developed countries declining birth rates is one disproof. Modern plumbing and hygiene leading to the increased survival rate of offspring along with the many innovations in agriculture that have led to an ability to feed the entire worlds population with ease are a couple of other disproofs. If anything, in the present day, there is an urgent problem of depopulation, particularly in the developed world and among the more K-selectedmembers of the global population. The disproof’s of Malthusianism along with criticism of the foundational arguments in the Limit’s to Growth report have been ignored by the Club of Rome set. I suspect the real reason concerning the desire to eliminate most of the world’s population through nefarious means, not limited to the three main ones listed above, has more to do with the monied elite’s desire for a world to themselves, hatred of Christ and his followers (Christian countries, whether in Europe or Africa seem to draw particular ire of the Club of Rome set) and occultic s practices and beliefs. I firmly believe if the Western world had Christian elites the last 50 years with conferences for finding solutions to modern day problems such as over-fishing, deforestation, pollution, and developing countries rapid population expansion problem, the world’s resources would be less abused today, the wilderness and wildlife would be in far better shape, and the developed world instead of remaining purposely impoverished and simply thrown food by UN aid and experimented on by the Gates Foundation, would be in better shape. The Club of Rome membership and their admirers have a propensity for creating problems and then offering horrible solutions that they wanted to implement before causing the problem in the first place.
A little bit closer to 2020 and we arrive at the 2010 Rockefeller Foundations Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development. This report includes a scenario titled “Operation Lockstep” that makes the argument a pandemic event is needed for the governing class to implement some of their desired technocratic control measures. In Lock Step, the report envisions “A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback.”
Eerie how this 2010 report even predicted that the United States initial policy “strongly discouraging” citizens from flying would be criticized. This report also predicted that China would be the only country to quickly enforce mandatory quarantine for all citizens and that this would be lauded in the media. This did indeed happen in 2020 with many of the academic and media set in the United States praising the authoritarian model of the Chinese. This jealousy of their Chinese counterparts power was likely not out of any awe they had of the Chinese officials better ability to serve the interests of public health, but simple jealousy of their unchecked power. The last line, that the Chinese response enabled a swifter post-pandemic recovery proved wrong. It was only mass protests of the vaccine passport system did China finally relent to going back to the old normal. China rolls back some anti-COVID measures following protests.
The SPARS Pandemic, 2025-2028, ‘A Futuristic Scenario for Public Heatlh Communicators’ was an exercise run in New York at the John’s Hopkins Center for Health Security in 2017. It is very similar to Event 201, except, it’s even more eerily similar to the real-life events the world experienced between 2020-2023, reading like a script for puppet master’s to adhere to. Everything from the exaggerated death estimates in the beginning that get revised downward, public health official’s advice not to wear a mask, then the advice to wear a mask, the expectation that the CDC will lead the narrative and provide recommendations of the private sector, the importance of censoring anti-vax sentiments mirrors real life events. The similarities continue with advocating officials divide groups so they don’t come together to protest, enlisting entertainers and rappers to promote the vaccine, and even the labeling of the early anti-viral therapeutic Kalocirivr and its potential for very harsh side effects mirrors the use of Remdesivir which soon got the nickname ‘Remdeathisvir”. Screenshot below from A Midwestern-Doctor Substack illustrating the point:
I will leave a few screenshots of the SPARS report below to illustrate my point concerning its similarity to real life events. The whole report is worth a skim. This “scenario’s” likeness to our real life Covid Scenario, down to the vaccine regret of the recipients of “Corovax” is nothing short of a smoking gun. Remember, this ‘fictional scenario’ exercise was in 2017 shortly after Dr. Fauci proclaimed “There WILL be a surprise outbreak this term”. Looking at this from the outside, it looks to me that the SPARS exercise was meant to write the timeline of events the world’s public health officials would follow and includes tips and thought exercises on how best to deal with certain sections of the population pushing back. There is also a large portion of the report dedicated on how to resolve the backlash from the vaccine injured, particularly the part of the population that took the vaccine eagerly. (My plan to leave a few screenshots below was thwarted by Substack’s image limit. Please peruse the report at this link, it is eye opening.)
Pretty interesting stuff, huh? Finally let’s take a quick look at Clade-X, another John’s Hopkins, Pandemic Tabletop Exercise from 2018. From the Center for Health Security website, “The purpose of the exercise was to illustrate high-level strategic decisions and policies that the United States and the world will need to pursue in order to prevent a pandemic or diminish its consequences should prevention fail.” There is not as much smoking gun material with this exercise as is included in the SPARS exercise and Event 201. It appears this event was more to prepare government officials for the events to shortly follow. From the website:
There are a lot of “Fact Sheets” if you are interested.
Finally, a bonus article from the Burning Platform. Everything was a lie from the beginning.“Everything was a lie from the beginning. The asymptomatic people don’t transmit. Kids were not harbingers of the disease. They don’t actually, they’re like a break on the disease. Lockdowns were a farce. Masks don’t work.”