The ‘American Stasi’ is a term used by ‘Anonymous Conservative’ who runs a daily blog with commentary and daily news links. The term originated back in 2002 from the Washington Post in an editorial concerning the Bush Administration’s plans for a domestic intelligence gathering program called the Terrorism Information and Prevention System, acronym, Operation TIPS. Investigative journalist Ritt Goldstein in the Sydney Morning Herald pointed out that TIPS would provide America with a higher percentage of ‘citizen spies’ than the former East Germany had under the notorious Stasi secret police. TIPS was subsequently cancelled after concerns over civil liberties violations, but considering the control of the Establishment, particularly prior to Trump, TIPSwas probably simply shifted into a different funding bill under a different name and rolled out anyway.
Anonymous Conservative has compiled evidence that the TIPS program became a reality at American Considering the revelations of Edward Snowden on electronic spying, NSA operatives watching couples have sex through cameras in their TV’s and computers, the ability to listen in on American’s phone conversations, the new features in automobiles that allow the authorities to track American’s movements, and the fact that every American is attached at the hip to their smartphone, it’s probably safe to say Americans are the most spied on citizens in the history of the world. How nefarious and how deep does this rabbit hole go? I would wager almost infinitely deep.
I know the American Stasi’s funding and hopefully existence is under attack from their uniform squealing about a ‘Five Alarm Fire’. Chuck Todd and AOC were just a couple among many of the D.C. apparatchiks to talk about a ‘Fire Alarm Fire’ as soon as DOGE started uncovering the vast network of corruption and kickbacks using the United States as their own personal piggy bank. This is a great Substack demanding our money back: "Give Us Back Our Fu*#ing Money." How Washington Stole Everything.
This twitter user makes a good point that the FEDS were probably using Afghani opium to fund the American Stasi network and other criminal endeavors, but that’s just a small part of a larger picture. The larger picture is that this Stasi network fundamentally views itself as above the general population and sees any attempts at curtailing it’s power as an attack of a dirty plebian on his betters. Orwell described the perfect leftist political system as having three classes of people: Inner party members, outer party members, and the ‘proles’. Interestingly, Miles Mathis makes the case Orwell might have been a part of this network, hence, his intimate knowledge of the mind of these people. The proles were the class of people who lived in the ‘real world’ in the sense that they produced goods and services, ran businesses, and did not live off the state the way the Party members did: by stealing from the productive class. The disdain for Trump, even though he’s a billionaire, lies in the fact that he’s not part of the club. He’s a prole who has the audacity to not only not know his place but threatens to end the inner party/outer party’s easy life! See: Rory Stewart’s wife’s charity loses $1m USAID funding days after ex-MP’s bizarre clash with JD Vance. Considering this is a British politician living large off the US taxpayer, this is evidence that it wasn’t simply a US class of people living parasitically off the American population, but a global non-state intelligence operation. I guess Western World Stasi would be more accurate.
Interestingly, I think this class of people views the useful idiots (as Stalin called them) who genuinely believe in modern liberalism, with more contempt than even their hated MAGA enemies. We certainly saw evidence for that during Covid with many news stories such as this one: The “Jenner Operation” Has Uncovered At Least 2,200 Famous People With False Covid-19 Jab Certificates After These Were Bought From A Nurse. These famous people included politicians, medical professionals, and the head of Spanish Pharmaceutical companies, who were found to have bought vaccination certificates while avoiding vaccination itself. All the while these same individuals were telling people on TV and in their local communities the importance of vaccination, how it was what all the smart, rich, and intelligent people were doing, and viciously attacking anti-vaxers. These people were avoiding the Covid Jabs, while, arguing on TV anti-vaxer’s shouldn’t be able to leave their houses without getting vaccinated! Joe Biden isn’t really coherent here, (Biden 'rambles' whether or not there's 'a man on the moon'), but by telling people to go to “trusted interlocuters” what he’s trying to communicate is that the shadow network of American Stasi members are in positions of influence down to the community level and to trust them when they tell you to get the deadly Covid vax. The CDC was paying “influencers” big money as well to promote Covid injections.
We saw even more evidence of this in California (FOX 11 obtains exclusive photos of Gov. Newsom at French restaurant allegedly not following COVID-19 protocols), France, (Caviar and COVID-19%3F France to probe elite parties during lockdown), and England, (Matt Hancock affair: Health secretary apologises for breaking social distancing guidelines). The Stasi enforcers of Covid tyranny didn’t believe in the threat of the Covid virus nor the efficacy or safety of its cure, but they told everyone to go along with Covid and get the Covid shots anyway. These “elitists” were and are probably part of a global, non-state, intelligence operation and this intelligence operation is FINALLY under attack.
These people are very dug into their positions getting basically free money from the government on condition they follow whoever is giving them their orders. Look at the state of journalism, a profession swarming with these types. in Canada for example, almost all journalists are on the payroll of the government/Google:
It’s not just perception shaping, corruption, and influence peddling. This network has grown so pervasive that they will even commit murders in local communities with impunity for goals as small as taking over people’s photography business. Other examples of questionable events that may involve a domestic intelligence operation include the case of a Long Island Serial Killer and a police chief who attempted to get to the bottom of the conspiracy, and a suspicion that the gifted kids are feared by this network over a fear they could pose a threat to the conspiracy later in life. Chapter Fifteen – The Stasi Fears Your Gifted Child – The GATE Program.
The FBI and CIA are public about their programs for children, but I would imagine it runs deeper than what is publicly know. I don’t think it’ s a coincidence that David Hogg, the new Vice Chair of the Democratic National Committee’s father worked as an FBI agent. David has talked in interviews about how his parents were “secret agents”. There is also some creepy stuff Hollywood has produced concerning kids as spies and this youtuber (Mind Unveiled) analyzes one such movie and the weird stuff in it. It’s pretty interesting: Spy Kids is about Human Tr4Ff1cKiN6, Clones, Mind Ctrl, Genetic Exprmts, & Secret Gvmt Programs.
Time Magazine wrote an article in 2020 that sort of gave the game away with regards to this Stasi network stealing the 2020 election: The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election. What a title!
The Stasi network would use any tool possible to keep people out of positions of power and influence in the government to cover their tracks:
People might read all this and say, well, these things only effects those in politics or vying for power on a national stage. I question that. When you realize how all-encompassing the power structure has gotten in Western society, stories like this, Paris Hilton Says She Had an 'Inappropriate' Relationship with 8th Grade Teacher: 'He Made Me Feel Noticed', make you wonder. This is just one example, but Paris was from a conservative billionaire family with enormous potential to have a powerful impact in her life whether that would be having a large influential family or simply as a role model. And this teacher deliberately goes and has sex with her when she’s age 14 to screw her up psychologically which then allows her to be used in Hollywood and turned into kind of a joke. Maybe it was happenstance, but it makes you wonder, it might also have been this vast intelligence network targeting her, and more importantly, targeting her family. Paris, good for her, has gotten her life back on track, but who knows what influence and power was taken from her by having her molested at such a critical age in her life.
Another example is Tara Reade, the woman who accused Joe Biden of sexual misconduct. She eventually fled to Russia, but interestingly, she has said in interviews, that ever since she made her allegation, she was followed by people menacing her and sort of blanketing her every move. She said she would even have these stalkers even when she went to other Western countries and that it was only when she made it to Russia that the stalking and street harassment stopped. Is this why the Western power structure hates Russia so much? Because Russia has been able to keep this network out of Russia? There is a lot of indications of that.
There has been a lot of data on the American government spying on Catholics, spying on parents protesting graphic sexual material aimed at pre-pubescent children, and spying on churches in general. I think the truth is everyone has been spied on and some people have been targeted for much worse. When these apparatchiks say “Our Democracy” they are talking about their parasitic hold over the productive members of society. The evidence of this network extending throughout the Western world and the evidence that the Trump faction is taking them head on continues to mount. Look at this statement from today:
Let me translate. What Freeland is saying is that the United States is kicking out the Stasi operators, choking off their funding, and returning the government to a functioning institution that serves the interests of the American people, and that’s a threat to the non-state Western world Stasi network operating in other Western nations that still have a chokehold on using the government and institutions to protect their positions as ruling class parasites.
As always, thanks for reading. I’ve left some pics and memes for your enjoyment.
since YOUR site lets me post:
>>The larger picture is that this Stasi network fundamentally views itself as above the general population and sees any attempts at curtailing it’s power as an attack of a dirty plebian on his bettors.
I think we want the word "betters" here. I QUICKLY looked up bettors (knowing it had to do with betting)...but I was wondering out loud whether I didn't know a SECOND definition of this word...heh heh.
Then he said THIS:
>>Considering this is a British politician living large off the US taxpayer, this is evidence that it wasn’t simply a US class of people living parasitically off the American population, but a global non-state intelligence operation.
egads...I seriously had not thought of that. I was still under the delusion that this money MOSTLY if not ALWAYS enriches US people...but it truly is world wide.
Therefore, as he intimates, the stasi thing is ALSO probably world wide.
Many more gems in that article...
More reasons to escape to the forest.
hey...totally random side-idea: Anyone remember reading the book "Escape to Witch Mountain" as a kid (and they made a movie of it of course)...yeah...I 'member.
excellent article. you misspelled "betters" unless you did it on purpose!
I posted some comments over on AC about your article today...
great job! I'm a sub!!