since YOUR site lets me post:

>>The larger picture is that this Stasi network fundamentally views itself as above the general population and sees any attempts at curtailing it’s power as an attack of a dirty plebian on his bettors.

I think we want the word "betters" here. I QUICKLY looked up bettors (knowing it had to do with betting)...but I was wondering out loud whether I didn't know a SECOND definition of this word...heh heh.

Then he said THIS:

>>Considering this is a British politician living large off the US taxpayer, this is evidence that it wasn’t simply a US class of people living parasitically off the American population, but a global non-state intelligence operation.

egads...I seriously had not thought of that. I was still under the delusion that this money MOSTLY if not ALWAYS enriches US people...but it truly is world wide.

Therefore, as he intimates, the stasi thing is ALSO probably world wide.

Many more gems in that article...

More reasons to escape to the forest.

hey...totally random side-idea: Anyone remember reading the book "Escape to Witch Mountain" as a kid (and they made a movie of it of course)...yeah...I 'member.

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excellent article. you misspelled "betters" unless you did it on purpose!

I posted some comments over on AC about your article today...

great job! I'm a sub!!

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Just a typo, thanks, I'll change it.

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welp...TRIED to post at AC but OF COURSE the stupid WordPress installation page came flying up.

this world...sigh.

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